A fast-moving futurist thriller revolving around the predicament of the Adare twins—a glamorous and successful poet caught up in life-threatening conspiratorial crosshairs because of her brother's secret world-changing invention, which will render oil companies, nuclear power, and public utilities obsolete.

“A celebrity poet is thrust into intrigue, danger, and romance when her inventor brother creates a revolutionary power source that could solve the world’s energy problems. It’s technically science fiction, after all—because Adeena’s brilliant, reclusive twin brother, Jeremy (imagine Andy Warhol as a humanitarian scientist), has just perfected “the Glass Engine,” a revolutionary, new free-energy source based on lasers and nanoparticles… The busy, fast-paced narrative serves largely as a vehicle for… [a] brisk… mix of New York City glitterati, literati, technocrati, and subatomic nuclei…” 

– Kirkus Reviews

Additional critical commentary, here.